For years, ИМПЕКСРОН ООД - IMPEXRON Ltd. has been your trusted supplier of Watson Marlow products in the Bulgaria . We offer a vast selection of Watson Marlow tools and accessories at competitive prices, ensuring timely delivery across the UK.
Visit our website to explore our extensive catalog of Watson Marlow products. If you do not find the specific product you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to helping you find the perfect solution to meet your industrial needs.
Thanks to our comprehensive distribution network, we guarantee that your orders will be delivered promptly, no matter where you are located in the Bulgaria . Our commitment to exceptional customer service means we are here to support you every step of the way.
Important Notice: While we supply Watson Marlow products, ИМПЕКСРОН ООД - IMPEXRON Ltd. is not an authorized distributor. All rights are reserved by the manufacturers and their official partners.
b-industrialoverview-en-04.pdf |
Peristaltic pump
Ролкови разширение Pumphead
2 channel peristaltic water pump
инверторно задвижване „Симплекс“ (единична помпа) помпа. 22 за 220 (10:1) RPM захранване с променлива скорост: 230V 50Hz 1ph 0.25kW IP55
Watson-Marlow Schlauchpumpe Modell 620UN/RE bestehend aus Antrieb: 620UN Gehäuseantrieb für manuell und von Fern gesteuerte Pumpen bürstenloser DC Motor präzise Drehzahlregelung in 0,1 U/min Schritten Eingabe der Drehzahl, Start/Stopp und Drehrichtungsumkehr über eine bedienfreundliche Folientastatur oder über ein 4-20mA oder 0-10V Signal und potentialfreie Kontakte Möglichkeit der Kalibrierung und der Einzeldosierung Leistungsaufnahme: 250 W Spannung: 110 / 230 V 1ph Frequenz: 50/60 Hz Schutzart: IP 66 Drehzahl: 0,1 ... 265 min-1 Hinweis: Dieser Antrieb wird OHNE Stromanschlussstecker geliefert! Pumpenkopf: 620RE 2-Rollen Pumpenkopf für Schlauchelemente mit CIP/SIP Rotor Pumpenkopf: Aluminium pulverbeschichtet Pumpenkopfdeckel Innen/Außen: Aluminium pulverbeschichtet Rollenbaugruppe : Edelstahl Rotor: Forton (PPS) über 165 min-1 und 2 bar ist der Rotor als Verschleißteil zu betrachten!
Channel Pumps
Ролкови въртящи задвижващи фитинги за 2.4 мм стенни тръби
weitere Themen
Удължителна глава за стенни тръби 2,4 мм
1.6 mm WS и 4.8 mm ID Закалена стомана, никелирана MoS2 напълнена найлон 6 (Nylatron)
Peristaltic Pump
including head and hose
перисталтична помпа
part for pool pump
перисталтична помпа
520 Помпа за дозиране с висока точност